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Production 360.
Event organization.

La productiva is a comprehensive production company with years of experience in the audiovisual sector, specializing in corporate events, live music or gastronomy, among others. We are characterized by offering the client a 360 degree production of the event, managing all stages of the project.

Zamna Tulum 2024

Zamna Festival

Behind the scenes of Zamna Festival, where electronic music merges with the magic of Tulum.

Moët & Chandon

Moët & Chandon Effervescence

Light, sound and visuals for the magical evening of Moët & Chandon Effervescence.

Petronas Minerva 2023

Petronas Grand Prix of Malaysia

La Productiva and Minerva elevate the experience: speed, luxury and technology merge at the MotoGP Circuit in Sepang for Petronas.


Live Music

La Productiva is specialized in creating 360 experiences through the organization of concerts.


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